How often do we buy gear, use it and let it sit until the next season? Shouldn't we be using...
Every hunter has his/her reasons for the items they carry. Sometimes it's simply personal preference while other times it's a...
Colorado Elk Camp Thinking out of the box or non-traditionally is something that I've done for quite some time. I...
Why hunt the backcountry? There are many reasons to hunt where many don't/won't trod. No pressure from other hunters. The...
For those who don't know what a UCR is it's a Utility Constrictor Rope. Think of one of those Chinese...
Have you ever thought of making some of your gear? There's a lot of satisfaction that can come from making...
Alcohol stoves, why do backpackers love these things? There are several benefits: they're super light weight (1 ounce or less),...
The 2018 is shaping up to be a bit different on the camping side. It's the year of revamping! On...
Really, a quilt? Yep! I started using a down quilt around 2013 and haven't looked back. With that said, I...
The snow was falling quickly as Andy and I headed towards the Denver area after we left Gunnison. Our phones...