February 18, 2025

Backcountry Bowhunting

Off The Beaten Path… No Regrets

2018 Archery Elk Gear List

The 2018 is shaping up to be a bit different on the camping side. It’s the year of revamping! On the archery side of things… no change from the previous years. All of my gear is listed below. What has changed? A LOT on the camping side!

Hunting Gear

Bow: Bear Moment

Sight: Trophy Ridge React Pro 5 pin. 

Rest: Trophy Ridge HXL drop away 

Arrows: Black Eagle Arrows X-Impact 300’s

Broadheads: Rocket Ultimate Steel 100gr 

Release: Carter Two-Shot

Binoculars:  Stryka S5 8×42’s. Stryka offers a forever warranty. Yearly tune-ups are free. Repairs are free. How can it get any better?

Camo: KUIU 

Boots: Kenetrek Hardscrabble boots


Camping Gear

Pack: KUIU Icon Pro 1850

Sleeping Quilt: GoLite 20° down quilt

Water Filter: Sawyer Mini Water Filter


Where The Changes Are

GPS: Garmin Inreach Explorer+ 

Meals: Those that have followed me for any amount of time know that I’ve pretty much been a Mountain House meal kind of guy for MANY years. Why freeze dried/dehydrated meals? Easy prep and minimal clean up. Just boil water. Well, I’m still sticking with freeze dried/dehydrated meals but moving to a different brand – Packit Gourmet

Pot: I’m moving from a GSI Minimalist pot to a TOAKS LIGHT Titanium 550ml Pot (New Version). 550 ml is the perfect size to boil 2 cups of water, just enough for a Packit Gourmet meal.


Stove: I’m making the move to an alcohol stove. Why? LOTS of weight savings. When comparing to a JetBoil I’m losing 11 ounces! To learn more about alcohol stove check out our article on Alcohol Stoves. The stove I’ll be using is a Fancee Feest Alcohol Stove. It only weights .85 oz (24 grams)!

If you’re a “canister stove” person give the Lixada Titanium Pocket Stove a look. It’s gotten LOTS of great reviews and weighs in at a meager 1 oz!

Check out the table below to compare stove & pot weights.

  Fancee Feest Alcohol Stove
w/ TOAKS 550 ml Pot
GigaPower Stove
w/ GSI Minimalist Pot
JetBoil (original model)
Stove 0.85 oz 3.2 oz 15 oz
Pot 2.6 oz 6.3 oz 0 oz
Total Wt 3.45 oz 9.5 oz 15 oz

Hammock: Dutch Ware Chameleon hammock. This is probably the biggest departure from previous years. Why a hammock? Sleep quality and camp selection. 25 years of dealing with herniated discs means the sleep/rest quality is ultra important to me and with a basic weight of only 14.9 oz it’s super easy to carry. Additionally, I’ll no longer have to search for the ideal tent site. 2 trees 20′ feet apart and I’m good to go!

Tarp: Warbonnet Outdoors Superfly tarp. This is only a semi-departure from previous years. I’ve used tarps for many years but they’ve all been small – 5′ x 8′. This dude is HUGE in comparison at 11′ x 10′. The doors on each end fully enclose me when rain hits.

I’ll see you on the mountain!


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