Superfeet Boot Inserts

It doesn’t matter how expensive your boots are, you can always use more arch support and Superfeet have been providing that support for over thirty years.
Over the years, Superfeet’s product line has continued to grow and expand. Now they not only have insoles for hiking boots, but and have them for ski boots, and even insoles for your everyday work shoes. Whether that is a work boot or a dress shoe Superfeet make an insole for you.
The guys here at Backcountry Bowhunting have been wearing Superfeet for years in all our shoes, but for today we will be focusing on the hiking boot line of insoles. Superfeet offers four different colors of insoles: Green for high arches (like myself), Blue for medium arches, and Orange for, that’s right you guessed it, low arches. But wait, there is more, Superfeet are now offering insoles for ladies. That’s right, now you ladies out there don’t have to get creative to have “super” supported feet. The ladies insoles are colored Berry for easy picking (no pun intended).
To make them fit your boot, simply trim the insert with a pair of scissors along the line indicating your size and you’re done.
Superfeet are available at outdoor gear stores or at The website has easy to navigate tabs to get you to the insoles you need. So if your feet are just dead at the end of your hunting day, give Superfeet a try. Your feet will thank you.
Superfeet can be reached at: Superfeet Worldwide, Inc. 1419 Whitehorn Street Ferndale, WA 98248 tel: 800.634.6618 fax: 800.320.2724 web:
We’ll see you on the mountain!